Before you begin, read this important information about the application process.
Note - you may submit the written application (step 1) before gathering the additional items (step 2). Your application is considered complete when all of the items have been received and your interview has taken place.
Step 1. Complete the written application belowby Sunday, August 17, 2025:
A. Get permission first. A parent’s or guardian’s permission and acknowledgement is required, so speak with them before starting.
B. Prepare your essays. Review the two essay questions near the end of the form below. Be prepared to provide well thought-out responses.
C. Complete and submit the application form below.
Step 2. Send the following items to as soon as possible, though no later than Tuesday, August 19, 2025. You may gather these after submitting the application form below.
A. Current transcript - an unofficial copy from your school's web portal or guidance office is ok.
B. Recommendation letter - ask an adult outside of your family to write a recommendation letter for you. You may ask a teacher, guidance counselor, community leader, or someone who knows your strengths.
C. Recent photo of yourself - a clear mobile phone photo is fine.
Step 3. Be ready for an interview.
A short, 20-minute Zoom interview is your opportunity to tell us more about your interest in entrepreneurship. Interviews take place from late-July through mid-August.
Your application is considered complete when all of these items have been received and your interview has taken place.